This lovely guided meditation takes you deep inside of yourself to remove and release everything that's holding you back. The soothing sounds in the background relax your body as you get lost in your visions.
This is a wonderful download if you have ever wanted to 'be a dreamer'. You'll take out any doubts that you may have, change the pattern of not dreaming, eliminate any negative expectations and start dreaming about anything~or everything!
Be secure with where you are and where you are going. You know what you need. You know what you want. You owe it to yourself to believe in you and allow you to move at the right speed and pace for you. Be supportive of your process.
Sleep Hypnosis with Crashing Waves in the Background. This download puts you to sleep. You'll focus on the sounds in the background and use counting to train yourself into sleeping anytime that you want. Happy Sleeping!
You are an all or nothing type of person or have a tendency to over-do-it... This set works wonders on your life! This may be all you need to change those habits or patterns and bring more balance in your life.
Sometimes we know what we're afraid of and why and other times that fear feeling seems to baffle us that we can't just get over it or do it anyway... Washing the Fear Away helps you soothe yourself, get answers and guidance and wash those fears away.
This short active visualization lets you relax and fall into that 'ugg' (icky) place, pick yourself back up, change your thought and let the sunshine in. It's wonderful! Happy Visions!
The Getting Ready for Work Set is for anyone that finds themselves not wanting to go, is worried about work or is having any challenges in any aspect of their life. It'll help you on track, build your confidence and feel good about getting to work.
If there's a situation in your life that you need some distance from or just simply, need to walk away, this is a perfect session for you. You can use it with people, places, situations or even your thoughts! If you've had trouble letting go of someone..
This is great for anything that's 'stuck' in your mind. Use this download for anything that you spin or fixate on. You'll get a deeper understanding of what's going on and what to do about it. When you get the message, the messenger disappears.
Use this soothing and supportive download anytime you're starting a new project, going through any changes or are in any process of healing. It helps you move forward by releasing what you used to think, be or have/have planned.
It's okay to focus on one thing at a time. If you have trouble focusing on one thing at a time or feel pressured to multitask, this session will help you tremendously. You'll relax and focus only on what you need to.
$3.95 $20.95
This session helps you relax and enjoy life more, a lot more. You'll focus on being present, not taking things personally and being naturally confident. You'll also get messages about everything that 'make' you defensive and you have space to change it.
This is great for anyone who wants to be open to nice people, good things happening to them and/or wants to be a nicer, kinder more patient person. Plus, you'll have plenty of time to visualize your ideal life. Happy Sleeping!
Sleep Hypnosis with Crashing Waves in the Background for Restless People. It's great for anyone who sleeps during the day and/or needs to adjust their sleeping patterns. Happy Sleeping anytime that your bedtime is!
There's nothing worse than feeling too tired and too overwhelmed to do your list of too many things to do. You'll get a very short break, give your body time to rest and wake feeling confident and able to handle and do what you need to.
This is a great download if you're having an anxiety attack and you have some free time afterwards. This gets you to calm down, breathe and be able to manage yourself and your life again.
$3.95 $20.95
There's nothing worse that having debilitating anxiety when you're trying to go to sleep. This sleep hypnosis session soothes that petrified feeling away with the sounds in the background. You'll train yourself to relax and go to sleep.
This is a lovely active meditation that will get you in to the perfect state to erase your doubts and replace them with what you want [to be thinking, feeling]. You'll cleanse your mind, rest your body and awake feeling confident! Happy Reprogramming!
You'll use the soothing sounds of the crashing waves in the background to relax you and take your worries away. You'll 'watch' as all your thoughts seem to clean themselves out of your mind. You'll feel free and have space inside to relax and breathe.
If you are a worrier, you know how awful it is. This download helps you unwind and clear your mind. You'll get rid of those nagging worried thoughts that keep replaying in your mind. It's short so that you can listen to it anytime!
$3.95 $20.95
If worrying keeps you up at night, this download is for you! You'll let your worries be washed out to see as you relax comfortably. You'll work out what you do need to remember and what you need to let go of. Happy Sleeping!
This is a great download if you have a goal or a 'big picture' of what you want to accomplish but are having trouble getting there or achieving it. This is perfect if you don't have time to fit in during the day or enjoy going to sleep with a download.
This is a great download if you have a goal or a 'big picture' of what you want to accomplish but are having trouble getting there or achieving it. You'll get messages about what to do, what's thwarting you and wake up feeling good about yourself, your..
These two downloads are fabulous to get the message of any blocks you have and get the guidance that you need to make the correct changes so that you are able to create what you want in your life.
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