Get control of yourself and change all of your negative cafeteria programming and habits. You should enjoy cafeteria time and enjoy it without any guilt, stress, or regret. Happy munching!
We all need a break and to have a day to ourselves. In this session, you'll get to have that much needed day at the spa. You'll wake up feeling wonderfully refreshed and as if you had a mini-vacation from everything. Happy Relaxing!
If you wished you could drink more infused water, this session is for you! You'll get excited about the taste, look forward to trying new recipes and even enjoy shopping for all of your ingredients. It makes everything about infused water wonderful!
Yay! It's time to get reading! Use this anytime that you need to be in the mood to read. It clears your mind, relaxes your body and oomphs up that motivation to read anything and everything that you want and/or need to.
Awww... the love of reading. This session relaxes your mind and body and tunes you into that part of you that loves to read. You'll find the time to read and enjoy it more than ever before. If you love it and never seem to have the time, this download...
This is a great set if you get fixated on a thought or two. If you have trouble relaxing and stopping your mind from spinning, this may work like magick for you!
Sleep Hypnosis with steady sounds in the background~ a heartbeat. This download puts you to sleep. You'll focus on the sounds in the background and use them to release any thoughts that you have trouble letting go of. Happy Sleeping!
What could be easier than using water to give you that instant energy boost that you need? You'll be amazed how quickly and easily this session works! Plus, it's only 12 minutes so that you can fir it in anytime, anywhere. Yay! for water!
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