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This wonderful short session tunes you into yourself to remind you that by being true to yourself and what you know that everything in your life falls into place.
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This is a lovely session to get you focused on what you want. You'll feel great about you~ in every aspect of your life! The best thing about this download is you say what you want and need at the time. Yay!
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This is a wonderful session to help you get in touch with your 'true' self. You'll focus on your truth and allowing everything in your life fall into place because you are following your Light. This is living a Spiritual Life. And, it's every moment of
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This is a fabulous set to get you in touch with yourself, feel good about who you are and build a solid foundation in trust and belief in yourself. You'll focus on being your best self, being supportive and create the life you desire.
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Be secure with where you are and where you are going. You know what you need. You know what you want. You owe it to yourself to believe in you and allow you to move at the right speed and pace for you. Be supportive of your process.
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If you have found that there are things in your life that you haven't been able to get passed or that have changed you in a way that you don't like, this guided meditation may be just what you need to bounce back from that situation.
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Yay! Get everything you need to get done: clean and organized while you reduce stress, tension and anxiety! You'll like cleaning, make it your escape and personal time and it triggers you to relax when clean up anything! It's fabulous! Happy Cleaning!
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Eliminating Anxiety is about learning how to manage yourself and get rid of the things that cause you to be anxious. You'll learn how to take it lightly and 'function' in any situation.
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Sometimes we know what we're afraid of and why and other times that fear feeling seems to baffle us that we can't just get over it or do it anyway... Washing the Fear Away helps you soothe yourself, get answers and guidance and wash those fears away.
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This short active visualization lets you relax and fall into that 'ugg' (icky) place, pick yourself back up, change your thought and let the sunshine in. It's wonderful! Happy Visions!
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You'll use the soothing sound of the water around you to wash away everything so that you are able to get the guidance and answers that you need.
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You can eat and cook healthy comfort foods! This session helps you to love cooking, preparing, and prepping your food. It reminds you that all meals are a way to show yourself, your body, and everyone that you cook for that you appreciate and love them.
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Would you like to be lighter - in mind, body and emotions? This download makes it simple and easy. All you have to do - is listen to your download.
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This is a fabulous for helping you to accept good thing into your life, have positive expectations and feel lucky! You'll figure out what you need, want and what to do so that you let everything go right for you. Have Fun!
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Eliminate your Hypnosis Resistance Now! This Hypnosis download is to help you listen to your hypnosis downloads CDs and meditations regularly. I Love Hypnosis Downloads! makes ALL of your meditations and hypnosis sessions work better and faster.
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This is just fabulous for getting you into the 'flow of [your] life'. You'll increase your trust, accept help and feel better about everything. When you're in the flow of life...everything seems to 'just' flow smoothly. Life becomes easier and more enjoy
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You have a Destiny, a Purpose, a Golden Path. This download set gets you in touch with that part of you that knows why you are here, what you are here to do and answers any questions that you have.
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This is a great set for anyone that seems to take life too seriously.You'll feel in control, calm and relaxed, and secure in your life. Plus, you'll smile and laugh more! It's on sale because the world would be a better place if everyone lightened up.
$9.95 $15.95
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~ ♥ ~ Facebook Special ~ ♥ ~ Living Lightly Newsletter .com: Save on a Spiritual & Intuitive Session with this coupon. Pay only $80 for a $125 Certificate. (Phone Sessions Available.)
$80.00 $125.00
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This is a wonderful, soothing session that tunes you into you. You'll get all of your questions answered, focus on yourself and your messages and get a deeper greater understanding of what's going on within and around you.
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When you're living a healthy, balanced life, everything in your life seems to fall into place. You have more energy, you get more done, and you enjoy everything so much more than you used to! Balance your life. You deserve it.
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You can use these as a screensaver, on or in your social media postings, as a slide show or print them and put them everywhere!
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The Living Lightly Meditation moves you into the state to be able to take life lightly. You focus on Living a Spiritual Life and creating your body, your today and your future the way you want it to be.
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The Newsletter Living Lightly is designed to do just that… to remind us to live in a Light state of mind; to enjoy our lives and take things lightly. It's made to brighten your day~to prompt those enlightened moments. *Add to Cart at Checkout
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This is a wonderful set to shift your thinking, lift any negativity, and to inspire you to keep going. If you have a tendency to think about your 'failures', this may be just what you need to feel hopeful, positive, and motivated.
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